Are you approacable?
Approachable people are honest about their abilities - shortcomings. They embrace the old proverb, which says: "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." And because they can admit their own faults, they don't have a problem allowing other people to have faults as well.
So, are you approachable? Have you ever sensed that many a time in your life you felt you are not? Are you having the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness?
David Augsburger wrote, "Since nothing we attempt (is) ever without error, and nothing we achieve without some measure of the finitude and fallibility we call humanness, we are saved by forgiveness."
It has never been easy to forgive especially if one is not able to forget what has been said or done to cause any conflicts between one or more people. However, if you will allow the Holy Spirit to take controls of our lives, He will produce kindness, goodness and gentleness. Galatians 5:22-23
So let us build the culture of loving and making peace with one another as brothers and sisters and not be judgmental towards other's status and background.
Labels: Christian Fellowship, Finding God
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